Process and Network Framework Modifications – Affinity Water

Key Information


Affinity Water


Amersham in Buckinghamshire and Northmoor in Hertfordshire, UK

Project Overview

Glanua Farrans JV (GAF JV) has completed works under the Process and Network Modifications Framework for Affinity Water at two existing treatment sites – Amersham in Buckinghamshire and Northmoor in Hertfordshire. GAF JV was awarded two projects in Lot 2 of the framework to provide crucial upgrades to Affinity Water’s existing treatment infrastructure. The works involved the construction of a sophisticated turbidity treatment process plant to supplement the existing treatment plant within the confines of the Amersham 9 ML/D works and Northmoor 18 ML/D works in tight site footprints.

The projects were constructed under the requirements of our client regarding environmental, ecological, safety and stakeholder constraints and both plants were brought into service this year. Off-site construction was at the forefront of the design with the JV, utilising modular and containerised units to deliver within a tight site footprint. The method involved all modules, containers, pipe-racks and skids being manufactured off-site, with all equipment, instruments, valve and pipework suppliers delivering to our supply chain partner’s DfMA facility, where they were assembled. The modules were then delivered to the site, placed and installed in a “plug and play” fashion.